Re: shagathon

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Posted by PopTart on August 07, 19101 at 16:39:53:

In Reply to: shagathon posted by scrubber on August 07, 19101 at 09:36:32:

: Dear aunty jez and tart = im looking at coming back to the uk next year for a 4 week visit and im trying to organise a shag in each county.
: only problem is ive been out of town for 5 years and am uncertain whether the pommie girls will understand my newly aquired aussie accent. Could you please advise me on the best way to warm 36 ladies beds!
: (Do i win five quid)

First of all...we wouldn't be wanting you for your conversational skills, scrubber. So the accent really doesn't matter *w*
However, Neighbours and Home and Away are freely available in the UK (sadly), so if you *did* need to speak, for whatever reason, I'm sure we would get the gist, cobber. As for 'warming the beds', i could suggest a hot water bottle. And don't forget the condoms. ;) Good luck in your quest

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