Re: bewildered in daHun

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Posted by Jezebel on October 10, 19101 at 13:51:14:

In Reply to: bewildered in daHun posted by ~sweethonesty on October 10, 19101 at 12:48:09:

: There is something i need to know because i think it is the reason i can't sleep very well at night. an important question that needs answering or i am going to walk around bewildered forever?!?!?!.........

: paper or plastic?

Well now sweethonesty, it depends on your turnover. If you find you're doing enough business to justify the 5% or so to the credit card companies, then by all means go for a machine and say hello to plastic. If not, then stick to cash. After all, there's nothing quite so satisfying as stuffing hard notes down your bra before getting down to business, as you've often told me. It's your call ;) J

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