Re: Normal?

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Posted by PopTart on June 26, 19101 at 08:00:00:

In Reply to: Re: Normal? posted by Lying Rampant on June 25, 19101 at 19:46:07:

: : : Dear Jez and Poptart
: : : I have a lot of spare time and it's true what the say about the devil making work for idle hands.
: : : What do you think is a normal number of times to masturbate daily?

: : : PS Please type your reply big!

: : As many times as you can manage without it dropping off, sweetie. Don't forget to send us some pics for our ...errr.. files.

: : As many times as I can manage without it dropping off worries me. How can I tell when I have reached the limit without doing one too many?
: Should the pics be before, during or after shots?

How about making a video? That way you don't have to concentrate on getting the pics at the right moment...whether it's about to drop off or not. Send it to: Jez and Tart Distributions, plc.
You might even be paid a small fee. Or not.

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